Thursday, 28 April 2011

OMG! How cute! Let's touch it!

Another fun trivia about me is : I'm terrified of fishes. (See ichtyophobia) but I just remembered about this specific fish, and I just have to share it with you guys. Some of the pictures I browse scares me so much, I should look away everytime I see them. And I had to add this picture the last so I don't have to see it as much

Puffer Fish~!
 They are believed to be the second most poisonous animal in the world, next to the golden poison frog

Though pufferfish are bad swimmers, they can suck in a lot of water or air in a few seconds, which turns them into a ball several times their size.

The pufferfishes' poison (tetrodotoxin) it's 30 times more powerful than cyanide. One pufferfish have enough poison to kill 30 humans. And probably the most terrifying thing is, no antidote has been found yet (*terrified little girl screams on the room*)
In japanese, there is a dish (called fugu) which is made with puffer fish' flesh. Not all chefs are allowed to make them though, Cause one wrong cut can kill the customers. O.o

So there it is. You think it's cute now? Just give it to the neighbor you hate and wait.(not seriously though. I won't be responsible if you are sent to jail)

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