It's so beautiful
Monday, 5 September 2011
Wii Music
A little spam since I feel like it. It's been a long time since I came here :D
It's so beautiful
It's so beautiful
Wednesday, 29 June 2011
Lioness tries to eat baby at the zoo
Man, I hope the glass broke
A beautiful home performance
Nobody, I mean, NOBODY can perform as graceful as Scarlet. I feel really bad for the table. (I feel bad after laughing at her too though. Why is it so funny to see people in pain XD)
Another unrelated post. Sorry =3
Another unrelated post. Sorry =3
Tuesday, 28 June 2011
Teh Nyan Catz~!!11!
What could be better than rainbows, kitties, and poptarts? A freaking flying, rainbow-producing pop-tart kitty!! As you know, the video (with the slider OMGZ) has been claimed by prguitarman. He said he did not file a copyright claim and did all he can to bring it back. In the meantime, enjoy this other nyan cat video for 10 hours straight. It's 2 gigabytes of fun
Saturday, 25 June 2011
Viola Rock n Roll
Urrgh.. I'm so jealous of violists right now. I've tried these tricks on my violin but it's just not as epic.. Check it out
Friday, 24 June 2011
Snake bit baby
Snakes are wonderful creatures and I would love to have 1 someday. I'll start with corn snakes which are docile and have a great temperament. Anyway, even with that said, this vid is just plain ridiculous. I feel bad for the baby. At least the snake has been de-fanged.. I hope
Thursday, 23 June 2011
Canon in D miracle =')
This must be what heaven sounds like *Sob*
Monday, 20 June 2011
Thursday, 16 June 2011
Smallest Giant / Biggest Midget
Largest animal? Smallest insect? You see that everyday! How about the smallest largest animal and the biggest smallest animal? O.o
The family of the biggest animal ever (Blue whale), Cetaceans, have the smallest animal of the Hector's Dolphin who grows to less than 5 feet long
(Awww look at that picture of the cute little smiling dolphin)
You'll have to look carefully to see the dolphin though
Sadly for these cute dolphins, one of their subspecies are one of the most endangered species in the world, that's the Maui's dolphins with only 110 individuals left. Isn't that sad :(

The family of the smallest non-microorganisms (Insects) ever are the goliath beetle who grows up to 11 centimeters. Imagine a beetle THAT big, FLYING at your face. A fun trivia about this beetle is that the adults are actually only half he weight of their larvas. Talk about big babies
Not only that, goliath beetles are also considered the strongest animal ever. Why you say? That's because the cay carry 850 times their own weight

(Awww look at that picture of the cute little smiling dolphin)
You'll have to look carefully to see the dolphin though
Sadly for these cute dolphins, one of their subspecies are one of the most endangered species in the world, that's the Maui's dolphins with only 110 individuals left. Isn't that sad :(
The family of the smallest non-microorganisms (Insects) ever are the goliath beetle who grows up to 11 centimeters. Imagine a beetle THAT big, FLYING at your face. A fun trivia about this beetle is that the adults are actually only half he weight of their larvas. Talk about big babies
Not only that, goliath beetles are also considered the strongest animal ever. Why you say? That's because the cay carry 850 times their own weight
Monday, 30 May 2011
Violin Concerto
I know I play very badly, and I'm far away from having my own concerto, but this video is just hilarious =D
I like her interpretation though.
some funny comments
She was embarrassed so she banished her self and the crowd with her magical powers -kionkion411-
I like her interpretation though.
some funny comments
She was embarrassed so she banished her self and the crowd with her magical powers -kionkion411-
u should use anti-breakage shampoo for ur bow xD -warrock3mo-
Tuesday, 17 May 2011
Composers Personalities?
You have listened to their music, you know how famous they are, but do you know their characteristics? If you somehow meet them in real life, how would they act towards you and others? Here are some composers characteristics and personalities. I hope you see your favorite composer here
1.) Beethoven
The talented Ludwig van Beethoven was often irascible and may have suffered from bipolar disorder. But he had a close and devoted circle of friends all his life, thought to have been attracted by his strength of personality. Toward the end of his life, Beethoven's friends competed in their efforts to help him cope with his incapacities
1.) Beethoven
The talented Ludwig van Beethoven was often irascible and may have suffered from bipolar disorder. But he had a close and devoted circle of friends all his life, thought to have been attracted by his strength of personality. Toward the end of his life, Beethoven's friends competed in their efforts to help him cope with his incapacities
I feel Aliiivvveee!!1111!
At long last, after waiting for days, my internet resurrects from the grave. Well, it's not fully recovered yet. But it's recovered enough for me to update my blog haha. New post coming up~! (I've been waiting to say that for a week)
Tuesday, 10 May 2011
I got that poison (uh huh), I got that poison (uh huh) I got that poison, that poison on my mind - Nicole Scherzinger -Kiss me, ki-ki-kiss me Infect me with your love and Fill me with your poison - Katy Perry -
Unlike Nicole who stores poison in her mind, nature herself uses a lot of poison for either predation or self defence. Anyway, here are some information about poison
The picture is of the golden poison frog. Considered as the most poisonous animal on earth. Although they can kill people by simply letting people touch them, the cute, poor frogs are endangered at the present. Sad, isn't it? =(
A Bear Named Teddy
The name Teddy Bear comes from former United States President Theodore Roosevelt, whose nickname was "Teddy". Here's the story
I'm Back
Sorry for being a little inactive for some time. My internet connection collapsed so I'm unable to update this blog. But there's An I.T subject so I'm updating today. (I'm not THAT depressed you know) New post coming up!
Wednesday, 4 May 2011
No new post for today. sorry
The title says it all. I'm a little upset at the moment because of my personal life and how I'm not in control of it. And I don't think it's appropriate to say it all here. Even if I do, I don't want to say names here. And that's just gonna start more drama. I'm sorry.. New post coming up in a few days guys. Once again, I'm so sorry. But first, a little poem
I'm the scapegoat you see at the bottom of the pack
I'm the stringed doll nobody wants, screwed and ugly
control the marionette as you much as you want
Stab the marionette in the heart, and don't worry about a thing
Since they can't feel a thing in the first place. Now can they?
Are you happy now that the stringed doll is broken?
Destroying the abomination is an addiction
Stab it one more time and see what would happen
I'm the scapegoat you see at the bottom of the pack
I'm the stringed doll nobody wants, screwed and ugly
control the marionette as you much as you want
Stab the marionette in the heart, and don't worry about a thing
Since they can't feel a thing in the first place. Now can they?
Are you happy now that the stringed doll is broken?
Destroying the abomination is an addiction
Stab it one more time and see what would happen
-Winter Canine-
Tuesday, 3 May 2011
Voice of Nature
If you love nature like I do, you may enjoy the sound (and smell.. And Feel.. And Sight.. And taste) of rain. For me, sunshine is not exactly beautiful. But rain is Because the sight of nature soaked by water, plus the incredible smell just lifts your emotion somehow. Click read more>>
Monday, 2 May 2011
Sunday, 1 May 2011
Deer Leap Power~!
Is it a bird? Is it a plane? NO! It's.. It's.. A deer?!
Aren't deers majestic? They can jump quite high you know like this example here. I'm actually quite surprised seeing how high it can jump. Click read more to watch the clip~!
Aren't deers majestic? They can jump quite high you know like this example here. I'm actually quite surprised seeing how high it can jump. Click read more to watch the clip~!
Saturday, 30 April 2011
I whip my violin back and forth!!11!
Do you like commercials?
Do you like like shampoos?
Do you like the violin?
Do you like dramas?
Do you like a shampoo drama commercial about the violin?
If you say yes to ALL of the questions above, you are officially weird.
Click read more to watch the video(and maybe this will make more sense)~!
Do you like like shampoos?
Do you like the violin?
Do you like dramas?
Do you like a shampoo drama commercial about the violin?
If you say yes to ALL of the questions above, you are officially weird.
Click read more to watch the video(and maybe this will make more sense)~!
Friday, 29 April 2011
Right brain Vs Left Brain
Are you the analytical, intellectual left brainer, or the creative, imaginative right brainer? Well, this is a simple video test to figure it out. Click 'Read More' to find out more about right brain vs left brain
Thursday, 28 April 2011
OMG! How cute! Let's touch it!
Violin Death Fight!!!111!!
A fun trivia about me is I WANT to make my violin a weapon. but if it's violin vs Gun, that is just ridiculous. Here is a video example of my vision @.@
New Look Yaay!
You may notice the new, more awesome than before background and the polling app. Do yout like it? =D Props to Tsuyomi Noaki (See followers) for telling me how to do it LOL. Anyway, new post coming up
Sunday, 24 April 2011
Haydn's Masterpiece
Want to experience something beautiful? Try Haydn's symphony no. 94 movement 2, dubbed as the 'surprise symphony'. It was because Haydn "...was interested in surprising the public with something new, and in making a brilliant debut..." Check it out (not for the faint of heart though. I'm not responsible if you get a heart attack and die of the beauty)
Saturday, 23 April 2011
Vivaldi's Four Seasons
The Four Seasons (or in Italian is Le quattro stagioni Fancier, isn't it?) is a set of four violin concertos by (My favorite composer) Antonio Vivaldi. Composed in 1723, The Four Seasons is Vivaldi's best-known work, and is a pretty popular Baroque music.
Itchy? This may be the cause
Sarcoptes scabiei or the itch mite is a parasitic arthropod which DIGS(ouch) into skin and causes scabies. Animals affected includes humans. The larvae, which hatch in 3–10 days, move about on the skin, moult into a nymphal stage, and then mature into adult mites. The adult mites live 3–4 weeks in the host's skin
Thursday, 14 April 2011
Niccolò Paganini (27 October 1782 – 27 May 1840) was an Italian violinist, violist, guitarist, and composer. He was one of the most celebrated violin virtuosi of his time,
Paganini was so good at the violin, it's said that he could play it behind his back, while being upside down and blindfolded. While I can barely get the right tune with the violin on my chin, body upright, and eyes staring at my violin without blinking =(
Paganini was so good at the violin, it's said that he could play it behind his back, while being upside down and blindfolded. While I can barely get the right tune with the violin on my chin, body upright, and eyes staring at my violin without blinking =(
Saturday, 9 April 2011
Rarest Animal in The World
The Pinta Island tortoise (Geochelone elephantopus abingdoni) is labelled as the rarest animal in the world. The only survivor is a 90 years old male.
Friday, 8 April 2011
Most Popular Classical Music
Think you have never heard any classical music before and know nothing about it? Think again~! There's classical here and there sometimes. Here are some classical music you might have heard before. Maybe it'll get you closer to classical music =) Happy listening
Thursday, 7 April 2011
Top 10 Most Beautiful Animals
The earth has A LOT of beautiful animals in it. Here a list of some of the most eye-catching beauties ever walked on the face of the earth. Or swam.. Or flew.. Anyway. Here are the contenders:
1.) Our first entry is a beautiful, yet unexpected contender. A jellyfish! Here is the Pacific Sea Nettle or West Coast Sea Nettle (Chrysaora quinquecirrha). Their bells("heads") can grow up to more than one metre in diameter though most are less than 50 cm. Their 24 tentacles can grow up to 3.6m to 4.6m. Its sting is irritating, but rarely dangerous.
Wednesday, 6 April 2011
Minstrels were Medieval European bards. They performed songs about faraway places and/or about a real(or not) events. Minstrels usually create their own tales, but sometimes the would memorize and use others' works too. Minstrels were replaced at court by the troubadours, and a lot of them became wandering minstrels who performed on the streets. A lot of people liked them until the middle of the Renaissance,
Tuesday, 5 April 2011
Eastern Cougar Extinct?!
Yes guys. Yet another beautiful animal gone forever from this world. Biologists have argued that the eastern cougar is extinct for some time now. Some even said that they have been extinct for 100 years O.o U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service was a little unsure about it. But after some more research, they now declare them extinct. They said that the last of the eastern cougar was shot dead on 1938. Can you believe that?
R.I.P Eastern cougar. You shall be missed =(
R.I.P Eastern cougar. You shall be missed =(
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