Monday, 9 July 2012

Cute Animal Videos

 A little cute spam(s) because I think I have posted some 'too serious' posts :p

Though the title says wolf cubs, they're not actually wolves. But they're cute enough that it doesn't even matter!

baby owls!

LOL I didn't expect that at all!

 AAAW!! Aren't they the cutest? It's kind of sad that they were orphaned because their mother got killed by coyotes. He said he didn't want to domesticate (I think domestication might not be that easy. They will start creating havoc once they're adolescents) them but I wonder what happens if a man lives among the foxes. Will he be accepted? Hmm..

Violin Accidents? (and solutions)

The WRONG way to play a violin. LOL
Playing an instrument isn't as safe as it seems. In fact, I have experienced some of these myself since I play the violin quite a lot. Some of them even get me to stop playing for quite a while. For you beginning violinists like me, (not to frighten you or anything) this may be a handy guide to get you aware of stuff

Chin Acne
This is perhaps one of the weirdest thing to happen to some violinists. Pimples started coming out on the chin where they always rest on their violin's chin rest. I have experienced this myself. It got me to stop playing for a week or two. Whenever I start playing, it just hurts real bad. (which is a very weird explanation to tell my violin teacher)

Possible treatment : 
  1. Wash the chin area with water and soap to clear of bacterias and cool your chin off.
  2. Apply a topical (applied to the skin) acne medication that contains salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide to the lesions as soon as they appear.
  3. Cleaning the chinrest with alcohol/water

This is called 'Acne Mechanica'. It happens because of various reasons, including repetitive friction against the skin

Sunday, 8 July 2012

The Most Popular Classical Pieces on Youtube

Think classical music is underrated? Think again! The total views for the following classical music videos alone is over 208 million hits!!

Experience yourself why the following 10 pieces can be so popular and find out about these exquisite music that will leave you breathless on your chair!

This Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata 1st movement have received 45 million hits so far. Wow! This is the classical music video with the most views I can find!
Beethoven completed it in 1801 and dedicated in 1802 to his pupil, Countess Giulietta Guicciardi,

Mozart is also pretty popular with his requiem's views of more than 24 million~! Even though he died before the piece was finished!

Yet another work from Mozart, is his piano concerto no 21. This Andante receives 24 million hits like his other popular video.

Vivaldi, my favorite composer, has composed the music on the following video which has been viewed for more than 20 million times!

Another Beethoven, Fur Elise have received 20 million views! No wonder Beethoven's so popular!

Saturday, 7 July 2012


Octopus Fun Trivia
An octopus opening a container with a screw cap
  •  A group of octopuses is called a consortium
  •  All octopuses are venomous, but only one group, called blue-ringed octopuses are deadly to humans
  • Octopuses have three hearts. Two branchial hearts pump blood through each of the two gills, while the third pumps blood through the body.
  • Octopuses are highly intelligent, likely more so than any other order of invertebrates.(See picture)
  •  The Hawaiian creation myth relates that the present cosmos is only the last of a series, having arisen in stages from the wreck of the previous universe. In this account, the octopus is the lone survivor of the previous, alien universe.
  • The very venomous blue-ringed octopus becomes bright yellow with blue rings when it is provoked.

Must-Listen Baroque-Era Classical Pieces (by Composers)

Classical Music has different eras. One of which is the 'Baroque Era' which extends approximately from 1600 to 1750. Music from this era has a unique grand and ornate feeling to it.

Click one of the following videos and you won't be disappointed ;)

Click 'Read More' to discover more music like the following!

Pachelbel - Canon in D major

Yes. He is a baroque composer. And it is hard to find the best version since a lot of the recordings of the piece says something like 'best version' when some of them sounds exactly the same. But here is the best version I have found. Not the most baroque, but yes, the best version.
Vivaldi - Concerto for two Violins in A minor RV522
This has gotten to be more popular than his violin concerto in the same key, RV356 which is a good piece for beginner-intermediates. But I can see how this has become more popular. It has the 'movement' and energy only Vivaldi can create. This is on baroque tuning, which means it's a half step lower than our usual A minor key.