Wednesday, 29 June 2011

Lioness tries to eat baby at the zoo

Man, I hope the glass broke

A beautiful home performance

Nobody, I mean, NOBODY can perform as graceful as Scarlet. I feel really bad for the table. (I feel bad after laughing at her too though. Why is it so funny to see people in pain XD)
Another unrelated post. Sorry =3

Tuesday, 28 June 2011

Teh Nyan Catz~!!11!

What could be better than rainbows, kitties, and poptarts? A freaking flying, rainbow-producing pop-tart kitty!! As you know, the video (with the slider OMGZ) has been claimed by prguitarman. He said he did not file a copyright claim and did all he can to bring it back. In the meantime, enjoy this other nyan cat video for 10 hours straight. It's 2 gigabytes of fun

Saturday, 25 June 2011

Viola Rock n Roll

Urrgh.. I'm so jealous of violists right now. I've tried these tricks on my violin but it's just not as epic.. Check it out

Friday, 24 June 2011

Snake bit baby

Snakes are wonderful creatures and I would love to have 1 someday. I'll start with corn snakes which are docile and have a great temperament. Anyway, even with that said, this vid is just plain ridiculous. I feel bad for the baby. At least the snake has been de-fanged.. I hope

Thursday, 23 June 2011

Monday, 20 June 2011


What mammal lays eggs, duck- billed, have the otters' feet, beaver tailed, and are poisonous?

Thursday, 16 June 2011

Smallest Giant / Biggest Midget

Largest animal? Smallest insect? You see that everyday! How about the smallest largest animal and the biggest smallest animal? O.o

The family of the biggest animal ever (Blue whale), Cetaceans, have the smallest animal of the Hector's Dolphin who grows to less than 5 feet long
(Awww look at that picture of the cute little smiling dolphin)
You'll have to look carefully to see the dolphin though

Sadly for these cute dolphins, one of their subspecies are one of the most endangered species in the world, that's the Maui's dolphins with only 110 individuals left. Isn't that sad :(

The family of the smallest non-microorganisms (Insects) ever are the goliath beetle who grows up to 11 centimeters. Imagine a beetle THAT big, FLYING at your face. A fun trivia about this beetle is that the adults are actually only half  he weight of their larvas. Talk about big babies

Not only that, goliath beetles are also considered the strongest animal ever. Why you say? That's because the cay carry 850 times their own weight